Sealing acid stain or colored concrete.
Using the CDP-SF as a sealer for protecting your acid stain or colored concrete can give you years of protection without having to reseal ever few years. No chipping, no flaking and enabling easier cleaning.

CDP-CS exterior concrete sealer
Using the CDP-CS concrete sealer helps to protect your broom type finish or rough concrete. No smell, environment friendly, water-base, long life and easy to use. The CDP-CS penetrates deep into the concrete and slowly cleans old concrete as well as protects new concrete.
Just about all of the videos made are from customers questions or issues they had. If you have a question or I didn't answer your question in a previous video about a certain issue or process just let me know. I would love to help you out and explain better next time I do a floor.
With CDP Concrete sealers you have options.
You can DIY with application support
Maybe you have the man power and just need assistance getting started.
Maybe you just want it custom applied.
There many option available with the support to make sure you get the right concrete sealer and protection you are looking for.